Home Maintenance
Our Home Maintenance page is a resource hub for property owners and buyers seeking practical tips and advice on property upkeep and rental relations.
It features a variety of insightful advice and curated links, all aimed at empowering you to manage and understand your home and rental conditions.
Feel free to leave the hard work to us, of course.
Home Maintenance Videos
Our Youtube Channel BloomPropertyManagement provides insightful and education videos on your basic home maintenance as well other fun aspects of journeying with us.
First Time Buyer Manuel
Many informative platforms provide tips and checklists to prepare yourself as a first time buyer of your own living space. It is an exciting time and we are ready to make the process as easy as possible for you.
Residential Tenancies Act
The RTA is a legislation that regulates the rights and responsibilities in rental relations. It provides a comprehensive framework for rental matters like lease agreements, maintenance responsibilities, and eviction procedures.
The Landlord and Tenant Board website is a crucial resource for landlords and tenants in Ontario. It operates under the mandate of the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and serves to provide information about the Residential Tenancies Act and to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants through mediation or adjudication.
The website offers a variety of resources and tools, including downloadable forms, guidelines for dispute resolution processes, and comprehensive information about the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants. It also offers access to legal resources, such as the Residential Tenancies Act, and provides updates about any changes in relevant laws or regulations.