How Do Property Managers Handle Maintenance?

It is natural for landowners to wonder how do property managers handle maintenance and related tasks. Hiring property management allows you to visualize their approach closely.

Bloom Property Management London Ontario ensures that your rental demands are satisfied. We aim to keep your properties in excellent shape and rapidly resolve issues between owners and tenants.

Generally, three popular models answer your question, ‘How do property managers handle maintenance?’. These are:

  • The in-house maintenance team

  • The maintenance mark-up model

  • The third-party maintenance model

Each model has strategies that impact the effectiveness and expense of property management in different ways. Our property maintenance company has explained them in detail.

The In-House Maintenance Team Model

Under this arrangement, regular repairs are handled by a maintenance staff employed by the property management firm. These groups may be in charge of routine maintenance or small jobs like repairing faulty faucets.

More specialized maintenance, like roofing or HVAC repairs, must be outsourced to external contractors.

Benefits of the In-House Maintenance Team Model

High Control Over Service

In an emergency, the property manager quickly deploys the crew. Rapid reaction times are guaranteed with this degree of control.

Property Knowledge

The maintenance team often works on the same properties. They get to know the structure well, which makes efficient repairs and preventative maintenance possible.

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Drawbacks of the In-House Maintenance Team Model

Possible Conflict of Interest

Since property managers may make money from maintenance, owners must be wary of recommendations for needless repairs.

Limited Expertise

Smaller management firms can use handypersons. This may lead to poor repairs when more specialist knowledge is needed.

The Maintenance Mark-Up Model

Under this arrangement, property managers hire outside contractors to do upkeep in exchange for a cut of the contractors' profits. The vendor usually gives the property manager a lower fee in return for regular service.

However, the property owner is still paid the market rate, with the manager receiving the difference.

Benefits of the Maintenance Mark-Up Model

Developed Agreements with Vendors

These arrangements often guarantee quicker service and responsibility for subpar work.

Wide Vendor Network

Larger property management companies often have a broad vendor network that enables them to address various maintenance requirements effectively.

Drawbacks of the Maintenance Markup Model

Increased Costs for Owners

Although the service provider offers lower costs for property management, the markup may result in the owner having to pay more for upkeep.

Conflict of Interest

Due to their financial gain from these maintenance contracts, property managers may prioritize their vendor relationships over the interests of the property owners.

The Third-Party Maintenance Model

Around one-third of property managers use this approach. When maintenance is needed, they contact outside suppliers. They choose the best one depending on the task at hand, the location, and the urgency.

Benefits of the Third-Party Maintenance Model

No Conflict of Interest

Since their only concern is the interests of the property owner, managers who employ this strategy have no financial motive to advocate for needless repairs.

Access to Specialized Expertise

Property managers guarantee the finest service for the current problem by choosing vendors based on their credentials.

Drawbacks of the Third-Party Maintenance Mode

Less Control Over Vendors

It could be difficult to enforce strict standards since there isn't a clear contractual commitment. If a vendor performs poorly, the first line of defense is to stop referring business.

Inconsistent Vendor Familiarity

Inefficiencies might result if new vendors are unfamiliar with the property's past or repairs.

The Bottom Line

Learning how do property managers handle maintenance reveals the fundamental models and strategies they use.  Each has its pros and cons. Therefore, choose the management plan that best meets your requirements.

Bloom Property is a reliable property maintenance company in London, ON, helping you carefully weigh these variables to guarantee seamless and economical property upkeep.


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